Tuesday, January 2, 2007


'SPAIN' is Al Jarreaus's famous scat-jazz - the second song Farhan had to sing during her AF finals. If there were butterflies in her tummy that night, well.. this song certainly had most of her fans all anxious and restless too! Why? Cuz 'Spain' isn't an easy song to sing right?!(And...how many Malaysians atually know what a scat-jazz is anyway??) It was indeed a 'dead heavy' task given to the poor girl! Especially so, considering the short time that she had! Not only did she have to master a challenging song like 'Spain' but at the same time, she had to memorize and improv too on another song which had been written and composed specially for her as one of the finalists!

Anyway...despite all the 'christmassy comments..da..da..' about her outfit,(tch..tch..Aznil, Aznil..) Farhan, to the delight and relief of all her fans and to the admiration of all the critics that night, gave a truly splendid performance!! She simply 'Wowwed' everyone! She was just..well..fabulous! That night, her 'star potential' truly outshone and outdid all the other contestants and placed her at a level way above the rest!! She's really THE NEW MALAYSIAN TALENT to watch out for! I doubt, given the same time and situational constraints, if any of our more established entertainers could sing that song any better or even well enough...??!!

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